Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Room 9's Manaiakalani Film Festival

Who am I you may ask, "I could be a doctor, and a cooker, and a chef." Our film is called "Who am I you may ask," and this film is about identity and ourselves. It is about our uniqueness, and about our differences that make us, us. Room 9 worked very hard on this film, we hope you enjoy!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Silhouette Art


Recently Room 9 has been working on Silhouette Art. My artwork represents Guy Fawks. 
The top of my artwork is fireworks, the middle is stars, and the bottom is the ocean.  I chose Guy Forks as my artwork because I think its really cool, and I like how the fireworks light up. My family celebrates Guy Fawks every year and I love watching the fireworks explode in the air.